Episode Title:
Honest Eating
Episode Description:
New student Peter meets up with the other student Molcars. The drill instructor then shows various signs to look out for. Seeing Shiromo missing (he has gone to the toilet), the drill instructor then flashes various scenes from the first season which he alleges are violations the students have made, including Shiromo being used as a robbers' getaway vehicle in episode 2, distressing Shiromo's driver. Shiromo returns from his toilet trip when the lunch bell rings. The drill instructor tries to feed the Molcars soup which they do not find tasty but Peter and Teddy eat nonetheless. Shiromo's driver does not immediately leave to join the other drivers, instead feeding the latter a lettuce leaf first for his meal. Upon leaving, the driver is confronted by other Molcars, forcing him to give up his stash of lettuce leaves which the Molcars happily gorged upon. This and the fact the Molcars' soup bowls are mostly left untouched earn the drill instructor's further ire and thus more trouble for the Molcars.