Tonari no Youkai-san Episode 2 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Tonari no Youkai-san Episode 2 English Subbed Episode Title:
Episode 2
Episode Description:
Mu-chan reflects on her father's disappearance. Though her memories of him are fond, she can no longer remember his voice. Yuri hosts a barbecue with Jiro, Buchio, and the kids, as well as her friends Taira (a 27-year-old human), Yasu (a 33-year-old okuri-itachi), and Benmaru (a 125-year-old Betobeto-san). Afterwards, Buchio wonders why he became a nekomata. Benmaru tells him he is confused because he has not found his raison d'ĂȘtre for why he was brought to life, something all youkai have. Jiro recommends he express his feelings of gratitude to his family...