Episode List
Migi to Dali Episode 4 English Subbed Episode Title:
Be a Good Student
Episode Description:
Upon learning that Micchan has been to all the houses in the village, they are eager to learn from her which houses have paisley wallpaper. Though she says it would be unprofessional for her to talk about other people's homes, Migi and Dali trick Micchan into telling them that the Ichijo home has a room with the wallpaper they are looking for. They try to make friends with Eiji at school, but Eiji is in an advanced class while they are in a lower-ranked class with Akiyama and Maruta. They aim to get high grades, splitting the courses so they can each concentrate on certain subjects, but Migi struggles with his grades. While Migi takes the primary role of playing Hitori at school, Dali wears a wig and dresses as a female student so that he can study at school without being mistaken as Hitori.
Migi tells Dali that he has fallen in love with a female student, and Dali is surprised to learn that the student Migi has become enamored with is him in his female disguise. Seeing that Migi's affection for her might be used as motivation for him to study harder, Dali plays up his role in this character, giving the name Sali. Unexpectedly, Migi succeeds in getting 100% on his exams to be able to earn a date with Sali. Not wanting to continue the false relationship nor hurt Migi's feelings, the two go on a date during which Dali tells Migi she will be moving far away. Later, Eiji sees the high grade from Hitori. While inspecting students' belongings while other students are in gym class, Eiji finds the necklace made from the snowflake button in Hitori's clothes.