Episode List
Migi to Dali Episode 10 English Subbed Episode Title:
Beavers vs Mother Ichijo
Episode Description:
With Reiko framing the Sonoyama's son for murdering Micchan, Migi and Dali enlist the help of Akiyama and Maurta to help reveal Reiko as the true murderer. Dali reveals himself to the two classmates, explaining to them that he and Migi have been pretending to be a single person. The four enact their plan with Akiyama dressing in his bird costume to distract the police who are searching for Hitori allowing Maruta and the twins to access the Ichijo house through Karen's bedroom window. As they are crossing on a rope to get to Karen's room, they discover that there is razor wire below them. Dali fears that he will fall to his death as the tree branch supporting the rope begins to break, but Migi saves him. Upon arriving to Karen's room, they find a romance happening between Karen and Maruta. Karen says Reiko favors Eiji much more than her since Eiji looks like their father, they ask Karen what is the deal with Reiko, Karen explains to them that Reiko wants everything to perfect, both her family, the Village and her life. Karen provides a distraction to bring her father into her room so the other three can get Eiji and use him as a hostage to get Reiko to confess to her crimes...