Episode List
Migi to Dali Episode 13 English Subbed Episode Title:
Migi and Dali
Episode Description:
Akiyama narrates about the changes that happened since the Ichijo family home burned down. Eiji was sentenced to juvenile detention for confessing to the crimes despite the unburned video of Reiko's confession and Akira's desperate defense of his son. Due to the scar on Dali's face from the fire, he is no longer able to switch with Migi to play the role of Hitori. Migi suggests they reveal themselves to the Sonoyama, but Dali would rather live as his shadow. Akiyama asks Migi about continuing as Hitori, and Migi is unsure about what Dali really wants. He wants them to be together though recognizes they are different. Upon the Sonoyamas speculating about Hitori's future, including having a lover in the future, Dali has a bad dream in which he spends his life under the table. Upon waking on Christmas morning, there are two Christmas gifts under the tree. The Sonoyamas says it is for a food-loving, creative child and another child who is intellectual and sensitive, they reveal they know it is two of them as it took them a while to notice the difference and they invite both to sit at the table to eat. Migi tells Dali that though they are different, one thing that will not change is that their happiness will be each other's happiness. The boys reveal themselves to them and all of them becomes a happy family...