Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 9 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 9 English Dubbed Episode Title:
Tales from Paradise Restaurant
Episode Description:
The woman, Aleena, works at a diner owned by her parents Bernd and Stella. The son of a rich man tried to seduce Aleena, but she refused as she is in love with her father’s apprentice, Anel. Since then, their chef left to work for the rich man and Bernd was beaten by thugs. Sensing a conspiracy Mitsuha agrees to help and trains Aleena and Anel in Yamano Cuisine which, due to its rarity among even nobility, can be sold for inflated prices. She hires Gritt and Ilze as waitresses, including Sabine who volunteers for fun. The rich man, his son and Bernd’s former chef attempt to have Bernd arrested for selling fake Yamano Cuisine, even asking chef Marcel to confirm the food is fraudulent. However, Marcel confirms it is genuine since Mitsuha herself is present. By coincidence Iris and Claus visit the diner to see Mitsuha, as does the King looking for Sabine. With their help the rich man, his son and the chef are exposed as the thugs who assaulted Bernd and imprisoned. Mitsuha also does some matchmaking between Anel and Aleena. After expenses Mitsuha’s profit is a mere 1 gold but she doesn’t mind as she got more satisfaction from her good deeds. In the countryside a monster horde appears.