Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 7 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 7 English Dubbed Episode Title:
The Adventure of Mitsuha
Episode Description:
Mitsuha asks the mercenaries; swordsman Sven, spearman Zepp, swordswoman Gritt and archer Ilze, to take her hunting. After returning to Japan for modern camping equipment and a crossbow. Mitsuha learns that currently mercenaries are struggling for jobs and many have resorted to banditry. The group are amazed by Mitsuha’s tent, lighter to start fires and canned soup, so Mitsuha considers providing supplies in bulk to the guild to improve working conditions. She attempts to bathe while wearing a bikini but is scolded by Gritt and Ilze since bikinis don’t exist so by their standards Mitsuha is a nudist. Mitsuha is attacked by a boar she kills with her pistol but inserts crossbow bolts into the bullet holes, preferring the others not learn about guns. Returning home Mitsuha uses a swimsuit magazine to prove bikinis are normal in her country and is surprised by their reaction to photographs....