Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 11 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement Episode 11 English Dubbed Episode Title:
The Messenger Goes into Battle
Episode Description:
Mitsuha is able to scare the goblins away with fireworks, which also exposes the enemy monster tamer controlling them. Inspired by his first real fight in years, the Commander agrees the whole Wolf Fang Company will fight as paid mercenaries. As the army approaches the city Wolf Fang, on Mitsuha’s orders, take out the officers and monster tamers, terrifying the soldiers who are mostly forcibly conscripted peasants from the Empire, and setting the monsters free to cause havoc during the retreat. Even the Empire’s flying wyvern squad is taken out by the vehicle Wolf Fang was named after, an armoured truck with two roof mounted 20mm auto-cannons. The kingdom hails Mitsuha by her unfortunate nickname, Messenger of Lightning. The enemy commander refuses to surrender yet and reveals the Empires secret weapon: an immense dragon.