Knights of Sidonia Season 2 Episode 3 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Knights of Sidonia Season 2 Episode 3 English Dubbed Episode Title:Course.Episode Description:With the Immortal Ship Committee now dead, Kobayashi announces that Sidonia will set a course for the Lem Star System, pursuing the Gauna Hive Cluster which threatens the colonists of planet Lem VII. Sasaki tells Ochiai that Toha Heavy Industries can reinforce sixty Type 18 Gardes with the new hybrid material. Meanwhile, Yure Shinatose recalls that Norio created Tsumugi by impregnating Placental Shizuka with human DNA, though unaware that it is seemingly pregnant again. Later on at the hospital, Nagate brings some rice balls to a recovering En Honoka, who was critically injured following the battle against Gauna 488, but he comes in at the wrong time, embarrassing En. Yuhata learns more about Tsumugi in the database, paying her a visit and befriending her while crossing paths with Nagate and Izana. Just as Tsumugi is being sent out for a joint exercise, she glimpses Gauna 550 approaching Sidonia, undetected because it assimilated the colonists' ship. After Tsumugi departs to attack Gauna 550 by herself, Gauna 550 creates a massive netting to trap her. A platoon of 96 Garde pilots depart to assist her.