Knights of Sidonia Season 2 Episode 10 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Knights of Sidonia Season 2 Episode 10 English Dubbed Episode Title:Entry.Episode Description:The reconnaissance team attempts to retreat and regroup, but two members are killed while the squad leader's Garde is damaged. When Kobayashi refuses Yuhata's request to mount a rescue, Norio intervenes and convinces Kobayashi to allow Nagate and Tsumugi to deploy, an excellent opportunity for Nagate to field-test the Tsugumori Custom 2. Meanwhile, Izana and the squad leader enter the atmosphere of Lem IX using a piece of the Hayakaze as a heat shield. As they are pursued by the Lem Gauna Wall as it splits into dozens of Gauna, Izana realizes that it is attracted to the artificial Kabi that they lost. Suspecting that it also reacts to Heigus particles, she discards the Garde fuel tanks, proving correct as the Lem Gauna Wall ceases its pursuit. The loss of the fuel tanks leaves them with only minimal energy to help them maneuver down onto the surface. Nagate and Tsumugi reach Lem IX and cut through the Lem Gauna Wall in their path, that is until they encounter the Crimson Hawk Moth in the form of Shizuka Hoshijiro. Tsumugi decides to confront the Crimson Hawk Moth alone in order to allow Nagate to search for Izana.