Knights of Sidonia Episode 11 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Knights of Sidonia Episode 11 English Dubbed Episode Title:Collision.Episode Description:Gauna 542 is detected approaching Sidonia, as it is revealed to be a massive pod shown as 8,000 times the size of Sidonia which its placenta has covered an asteroid. Even when Yuhata maneuvers Sidonia with its thrusters, Gauna 542 changes its path to maintain a collision course. Kobayashi orders that all 48 Garde pilots be equipped with the SHS-BAD and be deployed, while an Interplanetary Missile is launched at Gauna 542, two hours before impact. As the pilots evenly divide into two platoons, the first platoon tries to destroy as much placenta as possible, while the second platoon destroys most of the tail, or propulsion core. The placenta beneath the first platoon morphs into Gauna Particle Cannons, while Gauna 490, now dubbed the Crimson Hawk Moth suddenly appears and annihilates the second platoon. With only 14 Garde pilots remaining from the first platoon and one hour left until the Interplanetary Missile makes impact, Yuhata formulates a plan to use the Heigus Particle Cannon in order to allow the pilots to fly into Gauna 542 and destroy its host core. The use of the Heigus Particle Cannon causes a temporary blackout in the residential district.