Episode Title:
Giant of the East, Demon Snake of the West.
Episode Description:
Ainz reprimands Lupusregina for her failure to report on Carne Village. Lupusregina states that she did not think it was important, but Ainz informs her of Nfirea's value and orders her to protect him, Enri, and Lizzie above all else. Afterward, Ainz and Aura goes to find the Giant of the East and Demon Snake of the West to see what sort of monsters they are. They discover the Giant is a large troll named Guu and the Demon Snake is a naga named Ryraryus. Ainz offers them to submit or die. Ryraryus quickly complies after failing to escape, however, Guu refuses and the two duel. Guu's attacks prove ineffective and Ainz neutralizes him and the remaining trolls and ogres. Afterwards, Ainz has Demiurge review the menu for a dinner Ainz is planning when Ainz is informed that the village is under attack and gives Lupusregina permission to engage.