Episode Title:
Those who pick up, Those who are picked up.
Episode Description:
While still in the Re-Estize capital, Sebas goes to the Magician's Guild to purchase a spell scroll, and on his way back to the mansion stumbles upon a brutalized young woman who, after remembering the words of his creator Player Touch Me, takes her to safety. The man who threw her away begs Sebas not to as he will be killed by the Eight Fingers crime syndicate for allowing an asset to be taken; Sebas gives the man money to flee town as a response. Upon his return, Solution is taken aback by Sebas' care for the young girl and having Solution heal her of injury. Waking up she is fed, and breaks down crying for being shown the level of kindness Sebas has given, and revealing her name is Tuare. Sebas orders Solution not inform Lord Ainz, stating it is not worth his time knowing about a meager human girl. Meanwhile, Gazef has breakfast with Brain Unglaus, who is in a depressive state following his encounter with Shalltear, and Gazef tries to help him. Out in a secluded region, Adamantite Adventurer Team Blue Rose destroys an illegal crop used in the production of a powerful narcotic called Black Dust. While scouting, Blue Rose member Evileye finds a parchment with code which can lead them to the leaders of Eight Fingers. As the same time, the heads of Eight Fingers discuss the crop burning and the girl's rescue by Sebas. At the table, Zero, head of Eight Fingers Security, promises Coco Doll, head of the Slave Department, that his men will return the girl to their possession.