Episode Title:
Floor Guardians.
Episode Description:
The Floor Guardians of Nazarick enter the Arena and introduces themselves.Guardian of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Floor, Shalltear Bloodfallen, who is a true vampire then enters Cocytus, The Guardian of the Fifth floor, whom momonga tells is the definition of the Warrior, finally enters Demiurge, The Guardian of the seventh floor, a true demon.Along with him enters Albedo the overseer of the Floor Guardians. They upon arriving at once pledges their loyalty to Momonga.At this Momonga is greatly pleased and then Sebas comes and reports that the guild hall was somehow moved to an unknown location. Momonga astonished at this starts by strengthening their defenses and requests Mare to use his earth magic to blend the Great Tomb of Nazarick into the surrounding area and give the Guardians their respectives orders and leaves. The Guardians astonished at his dark aura of instilling fear and intelligence leaves to do their assigned works while Momonga continues to test his capabilities in the New World and went outside with Demiurge and glances at the world and jokingly comments that conquering the world might not be a bad thing and Demiurge misunderstands this as an actual order.w