Episode Title:
I Am Lorax / Modern Family Circus.
Episode Description:
I Am Lorax: Learning that the state of his hometown Thneed-Ville is really a rundown zombie wasteland, Ted Wiggins seeks help of the Willsler to find a permanent solution and a tree to impress the local girl Audrey. The Willsler explains that he was forewarned of the dangers by the Lorax and two other incarnations of Danny DeVito, of the town's destruction. Just then the zombified Lorax and several forest animals appear to attack both the Willsler and Wiggins. However, Wiggins comes to the realization that since the story is an animated feature, that everything can simply be redrawn back to normal. Thus prompting a large artist's hand to appear and redraw the world and everyone in it. Yet, Wiggins still need a tree, so the Willsler simply gives Wiggins his daughter Willow.
Modern Family Circus: The Prichett/Dunphy family decide to pay the Keane family a visit. Things start out fine until Bil pulls Jay aside to warn him of the danger of their son, Jeffy, who has been forcing the rest of the Keane family to retell the same jokes for over four decades for his own amusement. Unfortunately Jeffy had been listening the whole time and not only punishes the rest of his family but also traps the Prichett/Dunphy family inside the funnies.