Episode Title:
Potions 11 / Moves Like Jabba.
Episode Description:
Potions 11: Harry Potter learns that his franchise is finished, meaning that there will be no more fictional wizards in pop culture for the first time in ten years. Fortunately, Potter knows that Professor Dumbledore has a special wand that can grant immortality in a vault at the Exmagicor Hotel and Casino. So he gathers a team composed of himself and ten other fictional wizards to secretly infiltrate the casino and steal the wand. Once the inside, the wizards are met with various obstacles. Each wizard leaves but Ron, Hermione, and Harry until they reach the ninth floor. There they are greeted by Dumbledore, who informs them that the wand is in reality a simple remote control. With it their franchises will live on forever in reruns. This causes Gandalf, who was crushed by a statue, to come back to life as Gandalf the Glitter, a stage performer at the Exmagicor.
Moves Like Jabba: When a disguised Lando Calrissian goes in search of Jabba the Hutt, he runs into a large Gammorean entry guard. Calrissian explains that he is looking for a job and asks how the guard how he got his job. The guard decides to tell his story through song, explaining that he has moves like Jabba. The song ends when the guard is devoured by the rancor, opening a position, and Calrissian, unfazed, applies anyway.