Episode Title:
My Little War Horse / The Tonight Show with Jay Lion-O.
Episode Description:
My Little War Horse: During the Great War, Captain Nicholls offers to buy Albert Narracott a horse for the cavalry. But rather than buying his colt Joey, he takes Narracott's other horse Pinkie Pie, much to everybody's surprise. Soon Pinkie Pie is put through basic training, and then is set out on the front line to fight the opposing unicorns led by Twilight Sparkle, who prove to be a formidable army. Meanwhile, Narracott decides to go after Pinkie Pie and braves the English Channel to get to her. When he reaches to the other side, Narracott realizes that he is unprepared. So he calls for help from Tintin. They then take the Unicorn ship and head out to the battlefield just as both factions come to terms.
The Tonight Show with Jay Lion-O: Tonight, ThunderCat Jay Lion-O welcomes guest Ryan Gosling (who is starring in "Crazy Stupid LOLCats" with Cheetara) and a musical performance by Mumm-Ra & Sons. Also Jay humiliates people with "simple questions" in his "Catwalking" segment.