Episode Title:
Brunch DJ / Career Day
Episode Description:
Brunch DJ: After Kiff and Barry witness the latter's brother, Harry, escaping from school, Principal Secretary tasks the two with finding him. Later, it is discovered that Harry has been working at a café as a DJ. Not wanting to get Harry in trouble for playing hooky, Kiff explains the importance of school with a song when the Principal arrives at the café and tries to expel Harry. When it turns out that having no education would impede Harry from fulfilling his dream, everyone turns against Secretary, so he lets Harry go back to school.
Career Day: Kiff and Barry take a summer job, working at the city hall, even though Barry would rather work as a garbage man. The job is not what they expected, as it's required to fill out lots of paperwork, so Kiff and Barry decide to skip the forms by shredding them and go straight to helping people. This becomes an issue when their boss, Glarbin Gloobin, wants them to file the forms they "filled out". Kiff and Barry trick him into believing that all the paperwork was stolen, but he finds out about the ruse when the paper shredder explodes...