Episode Title:
Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part One)
Episode Description:
Conan, Ran, Sonoko, Kyogoku, and Sera went to see a movie on their way home and encountered a man holding a pistol and taking a woman hostage. The woman was saved by the success of Kyogoku, but it was an actor who was shooting a TV drama. Kyogoku will take the place of the fainted actor. The shooting site where Conan and his friends came to visit was the closed schoolyard and the classroom on the fourth floor. There were many staff members such as director Shigematsu Tomioka and assistant director Daisaku Otori, actors Ayaya Tokuzono, Nanako Kamiaki, Hideka Yui of make-up, and Yota Hazuki of AD. Kyogoku begins practicing action with a detective...