Episode Title:
The Traveling Drama Troupe Murder Case (Part 2).
Episode Description:
Tamanosuke is seen wandering around Tetsuo’s murder scene and is found attacked by Conan and Megumi. The troupe’s treasurer, Itoe Ogiwara, is found at the bottom of the stage basement, dead with a letter apparently calling her out in her hand. At the hospital, the killer, now believed to be the real Edo Boy, attempts to finish off a recovering Tamanosuke, but fails. Conan finally discover the truth, and tranquilizes Richard, revealing that Tamanosuke knew Edo Boy killed Tetsuo because he was being blackmailed but didn’t know who Edo Boy actually was. Ogiwara, believing her money laundering had been discovered, was killed due to a misunderstanding of the letter which was meant to call Edo Boy out and meet with Tamanosuke. Kenzo Tajima is revealed to be Edo Boy and, in turn, the killer. As evidence, his fingerprints are on Tatsuo’s keyboard when he deleted the files from the computer. Kenzo apologizes to the cast and staff and is arrested for the murders.