Episode Title:
The Traveling Drama Troupe Murder Case (Part 1).
Episode Description:
Rachel, Serena, and the Junior Detective League are given backstage access by Tamanosuke Ito to his drama/acrobatics show that specializes in plays depicting “Edo Boy”, a feudal-themed thief responsible for crimes across Japan who has evaded arrest to the present day. After meeting cast members Ryuichi Muraki, Yuri Shirai, Kenzo Tajima, and Tamanosuke’s sister Megumi, they witness the script writer, Tetsuo Chikaishi, being unnecessarily rough with Tamanosuke. After going through a dress rehearsal of the play, Megumi goes to get Tetsuo, only to find him dead. No one from the troupe could have committed the murder since they were all practicing together. Conan can't help but notice that Tamanosuke is acting suspicious when he doesn't tell everyone that something is missing from the scene.