Episode Title:
The Mobile Fortress
Episode Description:
Kagura receives word from Sarada that they rescued Team Denki and the hostages. Soon after, Boruto contacts him too from the fortress and tells him about the Scientific Ninja Tool cannon and how everyone should leave before they come head-to-head with it. Boruto decides that they must destroy the cannon before it could be used. Kagura's ship crashes into the fort, giving Boruto's group an opportunity to act. Kagura's group gets through the pirates and rejoins Boruto's at the cannon. Tenma arrives to stop them from destroying the cannon and defeats Kyohō and Hebiichigo. Sarada's group approaches the fort while Kagura and Kawaki battle Tenma to give Boruto and Buntan more time to destroy the cannon. The cannon manages to fire before they could destroy it, but Denki steers their ship out of the way. As Kawaki and Kagura hold Tenma down, Boruto uses a crane to turn the cannon as it fires, destroying itself and upper levels of the fort. Sarada's group picks everybody up from the sea after their escape from the crumpling fort.