Episode Title:
Fairytale Fate/Ice Monsters.
Episode Description:
Fairytale Fate: Betty's class is assigned homework where they have to compose their own fairy tale. Later, Betty receives a package at Galactic Guardian headquarters, which Sparky discovers is a book by Milton Scrivener. Despite Betty's warnings that Scrivener's alter-ego, The Scribe, is dangerous, Sparky opens the book, which proceeds to suck up Betty, Sparky, X-5, and Noah. They discover that they are trapped inside the book, and each of the book's stories (ironically based on fairy tales such as Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel) ends with certain doom for Betty and the crew, either at the hands of The Scribe himself or one of the story's characters. Betty and the crew manage to take The Scribe's magical pencil (used to write the book), and Noah, who hates fairy tales, is tasked to use the pencil to alter the endings of each of the tales they encounter in order to escape The Scribe's trap. Eventually, Noah writes their way out of the book and force The Scribe back into the real world, where The Scribe is powerless; he is quickly apprehended by the heroes. (Villain: The Scribe)
Ice Monsters: After being rejected for a local junior hockey team by the school coach for being a girl (over Chaz's objection, as he claims Betty is the best player on the team), Betty learns that the Ice Monsters, a travelling ice hockey team with a female goaltender, is making a stop in Moose Jaw to battle the local team, the Prairie Dogs. At the game, she realizes that, as the Prairie Dogs are literally being destroyed on the ice, that one of the Ice Monster players has a Morning star on his arm, raising Betty's suspicions that the Ice Monsters are in fact a group led by Iciclia and her minion Dingleberry. Determined to get to the root of Iciclia's plot, she (in civilian attire, which Iciclia does not recognize) challenges the Ice Monsters to a game, to be held that night. While the Ice Monsters accept, she is still short on players; Chaz, Penelope, Megan, and Sarah step up to assist (Penelope, who despises ice hockey, does so both as she believes to be a better skater than Betty, and to prevent Betty from spending time alone with Chaz), and "Coach DeGill" even puts in inspirational words for the ragtag team. During the game, X-5 discovers that Iciclia has rigged the icemaking equipment of every hockey rink on Earth to overload simultaneously at the end of the game; this would in turn freeze all of Earth. Meanwhile, Betty's ragtag team has held the game scoreless, largely due to Chaz's skill and Penelope's hard checking. Late in the game, Betty is captured between two Ice Monster players. As Iciclia gloats about her plan, Penelope and the Bangoons grab the puck and end up on a 4-on-0 breakaway; the Ice Monsters subsequently win the contest on the empty-net goal. Undaunted, the Ice Monsters set their plan in motion, only to discover that X-5 had turned the refrigeration unit into a sauna; Admiral DeGill easily apprehends them. Later, Betty is finally accepted on the junior hockey team. (Villain: Iciclia)