Episode Title:
Captain Sparky/Earth to Roger.
Episode Description:
Captain Sparky: After "accidentally" rescuing a baby, Sparky is declared a hero and is promoted to the rank of Captain—with his own ship, crew, and everything! Betty and X-5 try to be happy for their friend, but what happens when Nuclea attempts to drill all the energy out of the Bangoon sun and the two must work together? Meanwhile on Earth, Penelope is filming everyone's most embarrassing moments on videotape, threatening to play it for the whole school the next day.
Earth to Roger: While talking to her friends about the school dance, Betty is horrified to see that Atomic Roger has landed on Earth, thinking he has heard a distress call from Betty—and he's not leaving until Betty returns his romantic affections for her! In the meantime, however, Betty and her crew must stop Iciclia, who is reflecting the sun of planet Glacies (which has gone Supernova) onto other worlds, causing very destructive and fiery results.