Episode Title:
Winter Carnival \ Crass Menagerie.
Episode Description:
Winter Carnival: On Earth, Duncan is running for mayor of the school's winter carnival. Noah convinces Betty to run against him, but Betty is called off on a mission. In space, Betty must stop Iciclia, queen of the ice planet Glacies, who wants to freeze the tropical planet of Montego B and add it to her icy kingdom. (Villain: Iciclia)
Crass Menagerie: Betty is the toast of the galaxy and is letting all the admiration go to her head, while Sparky and X-5 feel left out. When Maximus captures Betty, she becomes the newest addition to his menagerie, a collection of rare beings and objects from around the galaxy, and Betty must rely on her recently scorned friends to rescue her. (Villain: Maximus IQ)