Episode Title:
Grim Reaper Gutters.
Episode Description:
The show opens with Master Shake and Meatwad sitting around, reminiscing about past events. They eventually stray off topic into more extravagant tales, like how Hugh Hefner invited Shake to the Playboy mansion, concerned on how there were too few guys. Frylock reminds the two of how many times he's saved their lives, accompanied by a clip montage mostly of him doing just that from past episodes accompanied by Andrew W.K.'s song from Party All the Time. Shake tries to counter this by talking about how he picked out Frylock's computer for him, but fails to mention how he ran off to Mexico when the bill arrived. Meatwad adds his own story about his first pubic hair, which he found in his food at a restaurant, and has been collecting them ever since, and presents a shirt. He presents it to Frylock, who suggests that Carl may want it more. During the phone call, Frylock coaxes Carl over when he finds porn star Tera Patrick is inexplicably at their house. What they don't mention is the shadowy grim reaper-like figure out in front of their door holding a line of gutter. As Carl approaches the house, the reaper identifies himself as Dan from "Grim Reaper Gutters" and tries to sell him a gutter plan, and tells him the company slogan that they won't leave without a sale. After Carl's insistent refusal, Dan touches him with his skeletal hand and he drops dead. This doesn't draw him from the Aqua Teen's house however, so Frylock is forced to buy something: the biggest plan they have. After Meatwad misunderstands a joke from Shake to Tera ("Show us a bridge in New York"), he takes out a gun and commits suicide.