Episode Title:
Bart Oates.
Episode Description:
Meatwad and Master Shake call Frylock late at night, having been thrown in jail for a D.U.I. while driving Carl's car. The next morning, Carl discovers his car missing, finds a post-it note on the curb saying "Thanks for car, M.S.,” and tries to peddle shoddy Giants uniforms he commissioned to be made to Frylock. Later in Carl's room, Bart Oates appears, much to Carl's excitement. Carl recounts his stats and the many games of Oates' he watched, then reveals how he had hoped Oates would become injured after he transferred to the 49ers. Oates reveals that it was because of this that he had to get knee surgery and retire. Bart reappears several more times, giving Carl advice on how to be a better person and improve his life. He tutors him on being polite to Frylock, convinces him to bail Shake and Meatwad out of jail, and forces him to apologize to the grave of an elderly man he ran over, and to the band Chicago, who he swindled by selling counterfeit Chicago shirts (they weren't even good counterfeits, as they said "Chicano" instead of "Chicago"). Oates finally leads Carl to Linda Hamilton's house, and instructs Carl to kill her, so she won't give birth to John Connor, who will lead the resistance to the rise of the machines. Bart claims he's been sent by them, and reveals how when he got his surgery, he was implanted with computers. Bart rips apart his skin, revealing his insides, and Carl notes that most of his interior work is just old garbage, a discovery that dismays Bart Oates. Alarms go off at the house and Carl flees.