Episode Title:
Homecoming Duel (Part 1).
Episode Description:
Still looking for Duel Academy, Jaden saw a meteor land near the forest. When he got near it, he was confronted by Neo-monsters like Aquos, who wanted to lend their power to his deck. Meanwhile, Bonaparte decided to have a duel between Aster and Alexis. If she loses, the Slifer dorm will be torn down. Aster didn't want to at first, but Sartorius said he should because his tarot cards predicted danger ahead. After meeting up at the duel arena, Jaden finally came back and wanted to take Alexis' place in the duel. He wanted to show the new power of his Neo-Spacians. Aster was able to summon his Dread Master, but Jaden used two new Neo-Spacians, Aquos and Neos. The two fused together to form Aqua Neos, who destroyed Dread Master but then returned to Jaden's hand at the end of the turn, leaving him wide open. Jaden still had some things to learn about his new deck, but he kept on fighting.