Episode Title:
I've Seen the Light.
Episode Description:
Chazz tried challenging Jaden to a duel to get his spirits up, but he wasn't in the mood. Meanwhile, Sartorius's plans had not gone as he expected. Because he put his power into Aster's cards so when Jaden lost, his soul should have been wiped clean and he would have become Sartorius's servant, but he just lost the ability to see cards. Sartorius predicted there was someone else he could use for the same purpose and traveled to Duel Academy. He told Crowler and Bonaparte that as Aster's manager, he was looking for someone else as a client. After Jaden disappeared, his friends went looking for him and Chazz ran into Sartorius in the forest. They dueled but Chazz lost and Sartorius locked his soul into The Hangman tarot card before leaving the island. Jaden also left the island by boat and decided he wasn't going to return until he found his destiny. In the morning, Chazz was seen walking around the dorm, dressed in white, saying he has "seen the light."