Episode Title:
The Dark One Cometh, Part 1.
Episode Description:
Thief King Bakura succeeds in reviving Zorc Necrophades, sacrificing himself and his Diabound in the process, the two absorbed into the Millennium Stone. As Zorc emerges from underneath Kul Elna, his energy destroys the Millennium Stone, causing the Millennium Items to scatter throughout Kul Elna. The Pharaoh and Priest Seto ride back to the palace and attempt to stop Zorc. Shada intercepts a lightning bolt sent by Zorc meant for the Pharaoh and dies. Meanwhile, events in the Memory World have linked to the Real World. Zorc's revival causes the Real World to be beset by all sorts of natural disasters. Once Yami Bakura gains the Pharaoh's name, he intends to revive Zorc in the Real World. Meanwhile, Yugi and Yami Bakura (possessing the body of Tristan) duel. If Yugi wins, he can leave and tell the Pharaoh his true name, and if he loses, he'll never leave. He and his friends will be swallowed by the Shadow Realm.