Episode Title:
A Duel with Dartz – Part 4.
Episode Description:
Dartz plays the third seal of Orichalcos, letting him negate Spells, Traps and Monster Effects that target his monsters. Kaiba goes all-out, using the Fang of Critias to summon Mirror Force Dragon and destroy all of Dartz's monsters. However, Kyutora's destruction lets Dartz play Orichalcos Shunoros and summon the invincible shields Dexia and Aristoros. Kaiba's Life Points hit 0, but he activates Wish of Final Effort to raise Yami's Life Points before his soul is taken by the Orichalcos, leaving Yami to duel Dartz alone. With his soul captured, the Leviathan causes the world to shake and is nearly ready to be revived. Dartz knocks out Tristan, Téa and Mokuba, and tells Yami Yugi of their first encounter.