Episode Title:
First Impression.
Episode Description:
Garfield decides that the League cannot succeed in winning back the public's trust as Lex Luthor has restricted them too much and politics have put any action by the League on hold. To rectify this, he forms the Outsiders alongside Kid Flash, Static, Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, and Geo-Force; using his home in Hollywood as their new base (which also serves as payback to Gretchen Goode, who's forced to pay for it). The Outsiders discover Reach battle bugs (previously stolen by Intergang) attacking a town and take them down with little property damage. Despite their heroics, the mayor demands their arrest until the main ship arrives on autopilot and threatens to fall on the town when the air force arrive. However, the Outsiders manage to safely crash the ship outside of town and the sheriff tells off the mayor, letting them go via a loophole in the law. Beast Boy's message, "we are all outsiders", starts trending online with the help of the Newsgirl Legion.