Episode Title:
True Heroes.
Episode Description:
Nightwing's team goes on a covert mission to Greater Bialya to raid a metahuman trafficking depot, now known to be run by Granny Goodness and where Tara is being held. Upon arriving, they discover the depot to be a metahuman fight club and auction. They manage to sneak the fifteen-year-old Princess Tara out (now going by "Terra"), but go back to rescue the other metahuman kids. Meanwhile, back in Happy Harbor, Violet struggles to adjust to her new emotions. When the Father Box once again takes control of Victor, she is unable to defend herself due to her heightened emotional state because of her affections for Brion. She soon decides however, that her human emotions make her stronger and she cleanses Victor of the Father Box once and for all. Brion introduces Tara to the others as Dick tells Artemis that Brion, Violet, Forager, and Tara might be ready to join the Team. The next morning, Tara secretly sends a text to Deathstroke, telling him, "I'm in".