Episode Title:
For the Love that Was Lost / For Lost Love
Episode Description:
Brodd, one of Canute's men, is instructed by a hooded man to tell the depressed Olmar that he had been rejected for the king's guard because of his inability to cut a pig. This provokes Olmar into challenging Brodd to duel in which Olmar is easily beaten. Thorgil arrives and tells Olmar that he must kill or die that day, spurring him to attack Brodd. When Olmar charges, the hooded man flips a coin into Brodd's eye such that Olmar runs him through with his sword and Thorgil then gleefully massacres Brodd's small band. Ketil arrives and is horrified at the slaughter of the king's men, and shortly thereafter the three of them are placed under arrest by Canute's guards. However, Thorgil slaughters the guards and forces the last one to explain why Olmar was allowed to win...