Episode Title:
Episode II-III Weak Square.
Episode Description:
Krauss, Eva, Rudolf, and their spouses go missing, while the remaining guests find the chapel door locked. Rosa finds the chapel key inside the envelope Beatrice gave Maria, and everyone enters to find the missing people murdered inside, along with some of Kinzo's hidden gold. After separating from the others, Jessica and Kanon are ambushed by Beatrice, who summons her legion of goat servants against them. Kanon fights off the goats until Beatrice summons two Stakes of Purgatory, Asmodeus and Satan, who kill Jessica and Kanon. In the meta-world, Battler tries to determine how the first six people could have been murdered inside a locked room. Battler forms several theories, but Beatrice counters most of them, using red text to speak the truth. However, Battler manages to catch Beatrice off guard by theorizing that the culprit could have taken the key from the envelope, locked the dead bodies in the room, and put the key back where it was. Beatrice congratulates Battler, but remains confident that he will submit.