Episode Title:
Episode IV-I End Game.
Episode Description:
Between 1986 and 1998, Eva sends Ange to bordering school at St. Lucia Academy, where she is bullied by her classmates. Between classes, Ange learns about magic from Maria, whose soul is kept alive in her old diary. Maria shows Ange how she was often neglected by Rosa and forced to care for herself with Sakutaro, a stuffed lion doll made by Rosa and brought to life by Maria. In 1998, Ange discovers that she is being hunted for her fortune by her aunt Kasumi, Kyrie's sister, and escapes with assistance from her bodyguard, Amakusa. In Purgatory, Ange becomes Battler's ally under the name "Gretel". To make the game more fair, Ange convinces Beatrice to let Battler use blue text for when he makes his theories. During the 1986 conference, Kyrie theorizes that Kinzo is already dead, which is why none of them except for Krauss and Natsuhi have supposedly seen him, and that there are actually seventeen people on the island. Battler adopts this theory and states it in blue, but after Krauss and Natsuhi are sent by Kyrie to prove that Kinzo is alive, Kinzo agrees to attend the family conference and settle the argument himself.