Episode Title:
Slow Stephen.
Episode Description:
Stephen is used to being called a slow engine, and that for the most from Gordon, but one day, while crossing the Sodor Suspension Bridge, he hears a weird noise. He just concludes that he might be thinking of Gordon, that makes him dizzy. Another day, he doesn't hear the weird noise, and crosses the Suspension Bridge happily. But later that day, a screw becomes lose, and the tracks slowly give way. Stephen manages to stop Thomas in time, but Annie and Clarabel won't risk Thomas crossing the bridge, so Stephen crosses instead. While crossing the bridge, he derails a bit, but manages to get back on track. His crew wave a red flag to stop Gordon, and Gordon stops just in time, before the bridge collapses in front of their eyes. Thomas and Stephen are greeted heroes, and Gordon thanks Stephen for saving him and his passengers. This makes Stephen more popular, and brings more tourists to the Island of Sodor.