Episode Title:
Percy's Big Mistake.
Episode Description:
Percy jumps to conclusions when he overhears the Fat Controller saying that Percy must go to the Scrapyard tomorrow, and thinks he is getting scrapped for being late. The next day, he tries to rush through all of his jobs, leading to him causing trouble. First, he tells Cranky the Crane to hurry up when loading pipes onto his flatbed to take to Wellsworth, prompting Cranky to go even slower, and Percy forgets to wait for the pipes to be tied down, leading to the pipes falling out of the flatbeds on the way to Wellsworth. Percy is then to take some tar wagons to the workmen mending the roads, but he ends up inadvertently crashing them into Gordon. Fearful that he will now be scrapped for sure, Percy runs away to hide in his shed. However, upon learning of Percy's reason for causing trouble, the Fat Controller reveals that he was only saying that Percy was to take some trucks to the Scrapyard and then he could take the mail for a week as a break from his busy schedule.