Episode Title:
The Shape of Love.
Episode Description:
Merlin agrees to be a waitress at the Boar Hat, but first she wants Meliodas and Gowther to follow Gilthunder to find out if he is being stalked by someone. Meanwhile, Gilthunder, Howzer and Griamore are each hit with falling debris in the streets, unaware of the situation. Gowther is distracted by a boy named Pelliot, who asks him to retrieve a fat cat off a roof. Since Gowther reminds Pelliot of his mother, who recently passed away, Gowther transforms into Pelliot's mother for a moment and disappears when Pelliot's father finds Pelliot. Meliodas finds Gilthunder, Howzer and Griamore at a restaurant, where he purposely spills coffee to expose Vivian, revealed as the stalker. Merlin punishes Vivian by planting a cursed ring on her finger, which will bring pain to her each time the curse is activated, and Merlin explains that the Ten Commandments are the highest class in the demon race. At the Boar Hat, Merlin quits her job as a waitress, while Hawk and Gowther fill in for the position, much to the guys' dismay.