Episode Title:
Sacred Treasure Lostvayne.
Episode Description:
The Ten Commandments reach the castle on Edinburgh Hill and find it destroyed by Meliodas. Meanwhile, a defeated Gowther restores Guila and Zeal's memories before asking Merlin to seal him before he loses control. Merlin reverts Gowther to his original form, a 6-inch wooden doll, and gives him to Slader for safekeeping. Merlin then senses as magical disturbance in Camelot and Boar Hat there, finding it under attack by a demon-made Golem known as an Albion. Merlin loans Meliodas his Sacred Treasure Lostvayne, which she had brought from the pawn shop he sold it to, after he broke Liz's sword to destroy the Albion. Back at the Fairy King's Forest, the former learning that Helbram's spirit resides in his helmet, King and Jericho learn that the new forest is maintained every few years by Ban's blood since it contains the Fountain of Youth. The forest is suddenly attacked by another Albion.