Episode Title:
Penny Potter.
Episode Description:
Oscar wakes the family up in the middle of the night to watch his latest Proud Snax commercial, but immediately afterwards, a commercial airs promoting Sista Spice, Suga Mama's sister and Oscar's aunt. Sista Spice possesses telekinesis, having the ability to move things around with her mind. Suga Mama is less than thrilled about her sister, and it is shown that they despise each other. Oscar uses this to his advantage, asking Spice to use her powers to get Suga Mama out of the house. Trudy then forces Oscar to apologize to Suga Mama, who responds with a hard right hook to his face, knocking him out. When Sista Spice, who was scheduled to perform at the WizArena, gets bumped in favor of Sir-Paid-A-Lot, Oscar offers her the Proud Snax parking lot for a show. When nobody shows up to the Sir-Paid-A-Lot concert, Wizard Kelly becomes suspicious. He then realizes all his stores are empty as well, and only finds Suga Mama and Bobby hanging out at his movie theater. Suga Mama then tells the Wizard about Spice's show, and figuring out it's a scam by Spice, all three rush to put a stop to it. Spice tries to flee, but Suga Mama stops her, and clues Oscar in on her scheming ways. The attendees get their money back, and Oscar and Suga Mama make up.