Episode Title:
Wedding Bell Blues.
Episode Description:
Suga Mama has a new boyfriend in Clarence St. John, but Oscar is convinced that Clarence is only dating Suga Mama for her money. He hires his detective friend, Igloo, to spy on Clarence and Suga Mama. When Igloo reports that Suga Mama paid for all their activities, as well as mentioning women he talked to who had been with Clarence and lost their money, the evidence lines up that Clarence is bad news. All talk of interfering is put on hold when Suga Mama announces she and Clarence will marry in one week. On the day of the wedding, Clarence's son turns up at the ceremony, revealing that his father is actually multibillionaire restauranteur Roscoe Carrington III, and that he is a widower suffering from dementia. While Suga Mama is reimbursed for the money she spent on Clarence, she stills bears the pain of watching him go.