Episode Title:
Over Phil.
Episode Description:
Mason becomes fed up with Phil's sloppy actions and leaves the chimp habitat. Private hears their fight and allows Mason to come to the penguin habitat for a visit. Mason just happens to visit as the penguins are cleaning up and (because he is a clean freak) decides he wants to move in with the penguins. Mason then learns that because the penguins are so clean, he has nothing for himself to clean up, and because of this, Mason starts to make his own messes for himself to clean up. Concerned and annoyed by this, Skipper and the rest of the penguins go to the chimp habitat, where Phil is apparently throwing a party with the gorillas and Joey. The habitat gets so messy that the penguins have to rescue the gorillas and Joey but can not find Phil. Mason then finds Phil's hand in the garbage and gets him out. The two chimps finally become friends again. After everything is back to normal, Private joined the chimps for tea and Phil has become quite a gentleman...more or less.