Episode Title:
Popcorn Panic.
Episode Description:
The animals get zoo visitors to feed them popcorn until Alice catches a boy giving some to Marlene. Alice yells at the boy and slaps "Do not feed the animals" signs around the zoo. The animals assemble to determine how to get popcorn on their own, but the penguins and lemurs do not want to work together. The penguins and lemurs each get their own bag of popcorn from zoo storage. When they get back to the zoovenir shop, they find kernels instead. Julien believes they are "popcorn eggs" that need to be hatched. The penguins try interrogating a kernel, but Alice finds a trail of them leading to their habitat. Private and Skipper hide the bag in the incinerator, causing a popcorn explosion. They land in Marlene's habitat and she congratulates them on their job well done. Meanwhile Julien thinks he has been rewarded by the salty snack gods.