Episode Title:
Doing the 7D Dance / Big Rock Candy Flim-Flam.
Episode Description:
Doing the 7D Dance: When about to be launched out of Jollywood by the Glooms, the 7D and Queen Delightful recap to earlier when Grumpy develops a new dance upon getting ice in his pants, leading to the 7D Dance. Queen Delightful has the 7D demonstrate the dance to all of Jollywood, and it catches on and has Lord Starchbottom be their manager. The Glooms perform a trick that enables them to capture Queen Delightful and the 7D, leading to their current predicament. When the rocket that Queen Delightful, Lord Starchbottom, and the 7D are on launches, Doc gains control of the rocket and enables them to return to Jollywood where the rocket blasts the Glooms away instead.
Big Rock Candy Flim-Flam: Queen Delightful's Great Great Grandmommers Whimsical is coming to visit her at midnight. However, the Tick Tock Clock Tower gets stuck at midnight. so 7D find a replacement crystal to power the Tick Tock Clock before it is midnight forever, but as the crystal is made out of rock candy, they must get it to the tower before the candy sprites Tangy and Sweetie snatch it.