Episode Title:
Uncle Humidor / Grim the Genius.
Episode Description:
Uncle Humidor: Queen Delightful's Uncle Humidor visits with the hopes of completing his sketch book of Jollywood birds called Shiffle-Nosed Nergendingslinger. The 7D, Delightful and Starchbottom join him and he seeks the Shiffle-Nosed Nergendingslinger, a rare species that only appears once every ten years. After failing to get the bird to stay still, they get Grumpy to dress up as one, but the bird mistakes Grumpy for one of its chicks and takes him away.
Grim the Genius: Hildy has gotten fed up with Grim's incompetence causing Grim to find a way to become smart. The Crystal Ball hears his plight and tells Grim about the Smarty Stone (a stone that increases one's intelligence) that is in Doc's possession. When Grim obtains the Smarty Stone from Doc while posing as Toasty, it makes him magically smart where he is successful in his attempt to outwit the 7D and overthrow Queen Delightful. Hildy is delighted until she realizes that Grim is not paying as much attention to her. The 7D must now work to outsmart Grim and reclaim the castle.