Episode Title:
Ice / Appearance / Bangs / Valentine's Day.
Episode Description:
Ice: Walking to school together, Takagi proposes a contest to Nishikata where the one who carries the biggest piece of ice to school wins. When Nishikata drop his, he offer his hand to warm hers up. However, she asks for his hand warmer instead.
Appearance: When Takagi meets Nishikata on the way to school, he tells her that there is something different about his appearance from the day before and challenges her to figure it out. After a while, Takagi correctly guesses that it is his hair. She tells him that she will change her appearance the next day and he has to figure out what said change will be.
Bangs: At school, Mina teases Yukari about her messed up bangs until Yukari snaps. Yukari ends up apologizing to a despondent Mina.
Valentine's Day: Nishikata is disappointed he has not received any chocolate on Valentine's Day. Elsewhere, just as Mano is about to hand her chocolate to Nakai while they are finally alone, Mr. Tanabe shows up, though he decides to not confiscate them. After school, Nishikata sees some chocolate in his locker and Takagi teases him about it while they are walking home together.