Episode Title:
Textbook / Hypnosis / Waking Up / Stone Skipping.
Episode Description:
Textbook: Nishikata is in class when he realizes that he does not have his English textbook. After a while, he reluctantly moves his desk next to Takagi's. Later, they exchange letters that contain hidden messages to each other.
Hypnosis: When Takagi walks in the classroom and sees Nishikata with a hypno coin, she asks him to try it on her. After being surprised that it seemingly worked, he eventually tells her to pick her nose. Just as she is about to do it, Nishikata has second thoughts and tries to stop her. Once this happens, Takagi reveals that she only pretended to be hypnotized.
Waking Up: A tired Mina is in the hallway talking to Yukari and Sanae. She tells them that she watched a hypnotism show. As a result, she got hypnotized. Afterwards, they find out that Mina is still hypnotized.
Stone Skipping: As they are walking home together, Nishikata proposes he and Takagi have a stone skipping contest. During his second attempt, Nishikata prevents Takagi from falling into the river after he inadvertently bumps into her. When they decide to go home, Takagi asks Nishikata if they held hands, which he denies.