Episode Title:
The Knight of the Sinful God I.
Episode Description:
Gajou and Nagisa arrive at the temple at Lake Kannawa. He is captured and his jailers are two Lion King miko, Yuiri Haba and Shio Hikawa. Plans for dealing with the sealing relic known as 'Avalon' are discussed. Shirona Kuraki of the Lion Kings will conduct the ritual involving Nagisa, supported by Yuiri. A side-effect of the ritual will permanently expunge the remnant of Avrora from Nagisa. Major Azama commands the JDSF anti-mage contingent. The ritual quickly goes awry as they discover that Avalon is not actually a seal but rather, an independent being which is using the ritual to free itself. While it launches hundreds of giant demonic winged insects which quickly fly amok, Avrora's familiar Alrescha-Glacies manifests and freezes the lake and adjoining river. A battle ensues between the poorly equipped soldiers and the demon insects. With Azama missing and presumed dead, Lt. Okiyama assumes command of the remaining soldiers. Gajou and Shio cross the frozen lake and retrieve the unconscious Nagisa. Elsewhere, Yuiri comes to and notices the demons flying off in a fright. A naked girl approaches her.