Episode Title:
Fiesta for the Observers IV.
Episode Description:
Depositing Yukina into a dreamworld, Aya reveals some of Natsuki's past to her. Yukina continues to dream about a rosy school life shared with Sayaka and Kojo but ends her dream to confront Aya, who reveals that her motivation has been to exculpate witches for all the world's ills that they're traditionally blamed for. She seeks to recruit Yukina to her cause. Yuuma, who as the clone of her mother retains some magical power, joins Sayaka to feed Kojo which heals his wound and restores his power. Kojo interrupts Aya and frees Yukina from her cage. Aya re-releases the worst convicts who are quickly defeated. Yukina shatters Aya's magical barrier but is ensnared by tentacles. Aya pulls out her grimoire to steal Yukina's memories. Awaiting this moment, Natsuki takes the book from Aya and re-acquires her lost time and powers. Although Aya continues to struggle she is finally defeated by Yukina. Convict Meiga collects a prototype anti-demon lance from the museum and decamps for parts unknown.